Every person or household living in Australia or travelling in or near a bushfire prone area should have a bushfire safety emergency survival fire kit containing key essentials just in case it's too late to leave.
Everyone should be well aware that the safest option on high risk fire days is to leave early as this is your best chance of survival. However sometimes situtations arise where it's too late to leave so you want to make sure you are well prepared.
Important Note: You can't soley rely on emergency alerts via landlines, sms or alerts on your emergency fire apps on your smartphone. In the event of an emergency situation, phone landlines could be damaged, power could be out, mobile phone towers maybe damaged or overloaded which can cause no internet or SMS or delayed warning messages. So please remain vigilant and ensure you have a battery operated AM/FM radio you can listen to in the event of an emergency situation and power outage.

Bushfire Emergency Safety Kits
A Bushfire Evacuation and Safety Kit should be considered as part of everyone's fire plan.
The Conception of fireKIT
When we first moved to a bushfire prone area and attended our first fireguard meeting, we were told to put together a emergency bushfire survival kit. We searched and were unable to find a fire ready kit online and hence fireKIT was born.
We want the rest of the community to have easy access to a fire ready kit and we are committed to providing a quality bushfire kit in the most cost efficient way.
These are the same bushfire emergency kits that we use at home, therefore you can be certain that we ensure the quality of these products.